Event & Wedding Photography, Highlight Video, Top DJ Service &
XXL Photobooth:  FSB 🔴 Celebration Service Becker

Event & Wedding Photography, Highlight Video, Top DJ Service & XXL Photobooth - FSB 🔴 Celebration Service Becker

Event & Wedding Photography, Highlight Video, Top DJ Service & XXL Photobooth - FSB 🔴 Celebration Service Becker

Event & Wedding Photography, Highlight Video, Top DJ Service & XXL Photobooth:

FSB 🔴 Celebration Service Becker

Hello and ❤️


on the FSB 🔴 RED appointment calendar page

DeeJayBakerman,Wedding DJ,Wedding Photographer

Welcome to the blog: Calendar from


Your full-service provider for unforgettable moments on every occasion!

In our blog: “Appointments calendar” we always stay up to date and provide you with all relevant information about the questions: Is my desired appointment at FSB 🔴 RED still available? Does my DJ, wedding photographer, filmmaker still have time for me? Is an XXL photo box still available? In contrast to our competitors, we put our cards on the table. Our prices are transparent for you as well as for every competitor and every search engine. The same applies to our appointment calendar. We provide exclusive insights into our range of services and provide a wealth of information before the first contact. Don't hesitate to get a binding written quote for your desired services to ensure that your special day is even more beautiful.

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Kira & Roman - From engagement to dream wedding: FSB 🔴 RED conjures up magical moments
2024-10-12 11:16 Engagement to dream wedding: FSB 🔴 RED creates magical memories
Jessica & Marcus - FSB 🔴 RED – Der Partner für Ihre Perfekte Traumhochzeit
2024-09-07 12:11 Make your dream of a fairytale wedding come true with FSB 🔴 RED – your professional for emotional moments and exclusive celebrations. Discover now and fall in love!
Miriam and Christian "Wedding celebrations in Seligenstadt: How FSB 🔴 RED ensures unforgettable moments!"
2024-09-07 11:54 Experience a wedding full of magic in Seligenstadt with FSB 🔴 RED! Exclusive music, brilliant light shows & emotional moments guaranteed. Book now!
The countdown is on: With FSB 🔴 RED your wedding in Darmstadt will be unforgettable!
2024-08-31 17:00 Get exquisite musical accompaniment for your dream wedding – contact us!
🎉 Anniversary celebration deluxe: 24 years full of love in the Golden Knight with FSB 🔴 RED! 🎉
2024-08-24 18:00 Let the corks pop – celebrate an incomparable anniversary with FSB 🔴 RED!
FSB 🔴 RED Red like the color of love




Stefan Josef E. schrieb am 28.12.2022 auf Check24 über Matthias

Stefan Josef E. schrieb am 28.12.2022 auf Check24 über Matthias

Leider nur Masse statt Klasse bzw. Technik hui, Service pfui ... :-( ... sorry, aber wir sind enttäuscht ! Zigtausend Bilder unserer kirchlichen Hochzeit, wurden ungeordnet/unsortiert zum download freigegeben. Außerdem handelt es sich sehr oft um unvollständige Aufnahmen, bei denen etwas abgeschnitten ist, z.B. von der Kutsche oder Kirche, etc. Hinzukommt, dass es ewig dauert, bis auf unsere Nachfragen eine Antwort kommt. Weiterhin werden horrende Preise (300 €) für gute Qualität eines einzigen Videos der benutzen Kameras verlangt. In unseren Augen somit nur Fließbandarbeit ... und nicht empfehlenswert.


Die Original Check24 Bewertung findest Du hier:






Kommentar von Matthias Becker:

Wer vor der Beauftragung die Vertragsdetails, einschließlich der Preisliste für Nacharbeiten, sorgfältig liest, wird keine Überraschungen erleben. Es tut mir leid, dass Sie frustriert sind. Allerdings dulde ich keine Unwahrheiten über mich. Anstatt zu verhandeln oder mir ein Angebot zu unterbreiten, haben Sie es vorgezogen, mich in Misskredit zu bringen. Das ist bedauerlich, da ich normalerweise sehr entgegenkommend bin. Deshalb veröffentliche ich nun die Arbeiten, die kritisiert wurden, um deutlich zu machen, dass es sich hierbei lediglich um eine Frustäußerung handelt und nicht der Wahrheit entspricht.






Stefan Josef E. wrote about Matthias on December 28, 2022 on Check24

Unfortunately, only mass instead of class or technology hi, service ugh... :-( ...sorry, but we are disappointed! Tens of thousands of pictures of our church wedding were released for download in a disordered/unsorted manner. In addition, they are very often incomplete ones Recordings in which something is cut off, e.g. of the carriage or church, etc. In addition, it takes forever to get an answer to our questions. Furthermore, horrendous prices (€300) are charged for good quality of a single video from the cameras used In our opinion it's just assembly line work... and not recommended.

You can find the original Check24 review here:

https://profis.check24.de/profil/fsb- Feier-service-becker/nkqgqg





Comment from Matthias Becker:

If you read the contract details carefully before placing the order, including the price list for rework, you will not encounter any surprises. I'm sorry you're frustrated. However, I will not tolerate untruths about myself. Instead of negotiating or making me an offer, you chose to discredit me. This is unfortunate as I am normally very accommodating. That's why I'm now publishing the works that were criticized to make it clear that this is just an expression of frustration and not the truth.

Foto Video Musik

für Ihre Feier

alles aus einer Hand

DeeJayBakerman,Wedding DJ,Wedding Photographer