Event & Wedding Photography, Highlight Video, Top DJ Service &
XXL Photobooth:  FSB 🔴 Celebration Service Becker


Celebrate life with FSB 🔴 – your event, your magic!

🎉📷 Let's tell your story with music and pictures.

Contact us now and secure special moments! #CelebrateWithFSB

Event & Wedding Photography, Highlight Video, Top DJ Service & XXL Photobooth - FSB 🔴 Celebration Service Becker

Event & Wedding Photography, Highlight Video, Top DJ Service & XXL Photobooth - FSB 🔴 Celebration Service Becker

Event & Wedding Photography, Highlight Video, Top DJ Service & XXL Photobooth:

FSB 🔴 Celebration Service Becker

Hello and ❤️


on the FSB 🔴 RED News page

DeeJayBakerman,Wedding DJ,Wedding Photographer

Welcome to the news blog from


Your full-service provider for unforgettable moments on every occasion!

In our news blog we always keep you up to date and provide you with all the important information and inspiring ideas about weddings, events and photographic services. We offer you exclusive insights into our work and introduce you to a variety of offers and services that will make your special day even more beautiful.

 "Ostersamstag Special: Big City Clubbing Osterbeat mit DeeJay Blackside in der Mainhattan Lounge Eschborn"

Ostersamstag Special: Big City Clubbing Osterbeat mit DeeJay Blackside in der Mainhattan Lounge Eschborn

Ostern steht vor der Tür, und während viele von uns an versteckte Nester und Schokoladenhasen denken, plant die Mainhattan Lounge in Eschborn ein Event, das die kalorienreichen Süßigkeiten schnell vergessen lässt. Am Ostersamstag, dem 30. März 2024, verwandelt sich die angesagte Location in einen pulsierenden Treffpunkt für alle Nachtschwärmer und Musikliebhaber.

Wir laden euch herzlich ein, das Fest der bunten Eier und Frühlingsfreuden mit einem kräftigen Dosis Big City Clubbing zu zelebrieren. DeeJay Blackside wird das Haus rocken und den Osterbeat anschlagen. Seid bereit, euch von den fetten Beats treiben zu lassen und mit Freunden sowie der Mainhattan-Community in Partystimmung zu versetzen.

Die Mainhattan Lounge, bekannt für ihre schicke Einrichtung und pulsierende Atmosphäre, liegt in der Berliner Str. 19, 65760 Eschborn und ist damit im Herzen der Stadt der perfekte Ort für ein unvergessliches Osterfest. Wenn ihr nach einem außergewöhnlichen Wochenend-Event sucht, lasst euch diese Gelegenheit nicht entgehen.

In unserem neuesten Video auf YouTube könnt ihr einen Einblick gewinnen, was euch erwartet. Schaut hinter die Kulissen und seht, wie sich die Mainhattan Lounge auf die Ankunft von DeeJay Blackside vorbereitet und sich für eine Nacht in ein Tanzparadies verwandelt.

Egal, ob ihr auf Instagram, Twitter, Facebook oder YouTube unterwegs seid, die Vorfreude auf dieses Mega-Event ist schon überall spürbar. Also, behaltet eure Party-Outfits bereit, markiert den 30. März im Kalender und bereitet euch darauf vor, gemeinsam mit uns loszulegen.

Die Tickets sind begrenzt, also wartet nicht zu lange und sichert euch euren Eintritt in eine Nacht, die noch lange in Erinnerung bleiben wird! Wir freuen uns darauf, mit euch zusammen die Tanzfläche zu erobern und die Energie des Osterbeat bis in die frühen Morgenstunden zu spüren.

Verpasst nicht die Chance, Teil dieser legendären Party zu sein. Lasst uns gemeinsam feiern und zeigen, dass Ostern nicht nur für seine ruhigen Feiertage bekannt ist, sondern auch für eine epische Party, die euren Rhythmus weckt und das Tanzbein zucken lässt.

Seid dabei und erlebt mit uns die Magie des Osterbeats in der Mainhattan Lounge. Wir sehen uns auf der Tanzfläche!

#Osterbeat #MainhattanLounge #Eschborn #DeeJayBlackside #BigCityClubbing #Ostern2024

Vergesst nicht, euch unser neues Video auf YouTube anzuschauen und unseren Kanal zu abonnieren, um immer auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben. Wir freuen uns schon darauf, gemeinsam mit euch eine unvergessliche Party zu rocken!

Brettet die Tanzfläche und bringt eure Besten mit – diese Nacht wird legendär!
Freut euch schon jetzt auf Ostersamstag, denn es wird eine Nacht, die ihr nicht so schnell vergessen werdet. Wir sehen uns in der Mainhattan Lounge – eurem Hotspot für die besten Beats und coolste Partyatmosphäre in Eschborn. Feiert bis in die Morgenstunden und lasst uns ein unvergessliches Fest erleben!

Bis dahin, tanzt, wo immer ihr seid, und behaltet die Osterfreude im Herzen.
Eure Mainhattan Lounge Crew.

***** Bitte bewerten Sie uns auf Google *****

Link um FSB 🔴 RED auf Google ***** zu bewerten: https://g.co/kgs/xnyL4qe



Foto Video Musik für Deine Hochzeit

Bad Hersfeld 🇩🇪 🇦🇹 Wien

FSB 🔴 Feier-Service-Becker

📞 🇩🇪 0171 744 1559

📞 🇦🇹 0660 665 1320

Moderator DJ Foto Video Fotobox

🖥️ www.fsb.red

Rot 🔴 wie die Farbe der Liebe








"Easter Saturday Special: Big City Clubbing Osterbeat with DeeJay Blackside in the Mainhattan Lounge Eschborn"

Ostersamstag Special: Big City Clubbing Osterbeat mit DeeJay Blackside in der Mainhattan Lounge Eschborn

Easter is just around the corner, and while many of us are thinking about hidden nests and chocolate bunnies, the Mainhattan Lounge in Eschborn is planning an event that will quickly make you forget about the high-calorie sweets. On Easter Saturday, March 30, 2024, the trendy location will be transformed into a vibrant meeting place for all night owls and music lovers.

We cordially invite you to celebrate the festival of colorful eggs and spring joys with a strong dose of big city clubbing. DeeJay Blackside will rock the house and hit the Easter beat. Be ready to let the fat beats drive you and get in the party mood with friends and the Mainhattan community.

The Mainhattan Lounge, known for its chic furnishings and vibrant atmosphere, is located at Berliner Str. 19, 65760 Eschborn, making it the perfect place for an unforgettable Easter in the heart of the city. If you are looking for an extraordinary weekend event, don't miss this opportunity.

You can get an insight into what to expect in our latest video on YouTube. Take a look behind the scenes and see how the Mainhattan Lounge prepares for the arrival of DeeJay Blackside and transforms into a dance paradise for one night.

No matter whether you are on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or YouTube, the anticipation for this mega event can already be felt everywhere. So, get your party outfits ready, mark March 30th on your calendar, and get ready to get started with us.

Tickets are limited, so don't wait too long and secure your entry to a night that will be remembered for a long time! We look forward to conquering the dance floor with you and feeling the energy of the Easter beat until the early hours of the morning.

Don't miss the chance to be part of this legendary party. Let's celebrate together and show that Easter is not only known for its quiet holidays, but also for an epic party that awakens your rhythm and gets your dance legs twitching.

Join us and experience the magic of the Easter beat in the Mainhattan Lounge. See you on the dance floor!

#Easterbeat #MainhattanLounge #Eschborn #DeeJayBlackside #BigCityClubbing #Easter2024

Don't forget to watch our new video on YouTube and subscribe to our channel to stay up to date. We are looking forward to rocking an unforgettable party with you!

Hit the dance floor and bring your best – this night will be legendary!
Look forward to Easter Saturday because it will be a night you won't soon forget. See you in the Mainhattan Lounge – your hotspot for the best beats and coolest party atmosphere in Eschborn. Celebrate until the early hours of the morning and let’s experience an unforgettable celebration!

Until then, dance wherever you are and keep the joy of Easter in your heart.
Your Mainhattan Lounge Crew.

***** Bitte bewerten Sie uns auf Google *****

Link to rate FSB 🔴 RED on Google *****: https://g.co/kgs/xnyL4qe



Photo video music for your wedding

Bad Hersfeld 🇩🇪 🇦🇹 Vienna

FSB 🔴 Celebration Service Becker

📞 🇩🇪 0171 744 1559

📞 🇦🇹 0660 665 1320

Presenter DJ Photo Video Photobox

🖥️ www.fsb.red

Red 🔴 like the color of love


Discover exciting articles about:


- **Newlyweds shoot:**

Everything you need to know about our professional bridal couple shoots, including tips for perfect pictures.

- **Offers:**

Our current offers and promotional packages, with which you can not only secure unique memories, but also great price advantages.

- **Pictures:**

Let yourself be enchanted by the emotional moments and wonderful impressions from our last shootings.

- **Matthias Becker aka DeeJayBakerman:**

Find out more about me, Matthias Becker, and my journey from DJ to all-rounder in the entertainment industry.

- **My equipment:**

A look behind the scenes - what technology do we use to perfectly stage your event?

- **Wedding DJ:**

With atmospheric music and a feel for the right song at the right time, your wedding party will be unforgettable.

- **Garden games & wedding games:**

Bring fun and laughter to your celebration with our creative and entertaining game ideas.

- **Useful information:**

Useful information and interesting facts from the world of weddings and events so that you are always well informed.

- **Event & Wedding Photography:**

We capture the magic of your event - with attention to detail and an eye for the special moment.

- **Photo box:**

Our unique, extra large photo box systems offer endless fun and are a highlight at every event.

Stay curious, be inspired and experience together with us how your event becomes something very special. If you have any questions, bookings or individual offers, we will of course be happy to help you. We look forward to making your day unforgettable!


Your Matthias Becker & the FSB 🔴 RED team

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FSB 🔴 RED Red like the color of love



all of our customer reviews 2024-2018 can be found here

Here you will find all customer reviews of FSB 🔴 RED, both positive and critical. The reviews are completely uncensored and are provided along with the original link and other useful information such as recommendations for bridal couple photo shoots and wedding locations to help you with your wedding planning.


What our customers say about us

***** Selina K. wrote on Check24 on November 20, 2023
2023-11-20 12:51 Dream wedding with DJ Matthias FSB 🔴 RED: Music wishes perfectly fulfilled!
***** Loredana and Felix K. wrote on Check24 on October 23, 2023
2023-10-23 14:06 Discover the difference with Matthias FSB 🔴 RED – your DJ & wedding photographer for unforgettable celebrations in Witzenhausen! Book now!
***** Florian P. wrote on Check24 on October 18, 2023
2023-10-18 14:42 Successful event with DJ Matthias from FSB 🔴 RED – Check24 rating

Foto Video Musik

für Ihre Feier

alles aus einer Hand




Light & sound system for weddings

from € 499,-

Music offers


Eight different solo entertainer/DJ offers with light and sound systems as well as a DJ suitcase job offer (without light and sound system) that can be plugged into existing technology can be found here. We have also listed various combination offers with a photo box.

Wedding photographer Gregor

from €99 per hour

Photo service

Photo & video offers as well as offers for printouts, photo book creation etc.

You can find everything about photo & video here.

Wedding video in Matzenhofen

from € 0,-

Video service

Video offers as well as offers for highlight video or documentary film creation, etc.

You can find everything about photo & video here.

XXL photo box photo mirror from FSB.RED with AI facial recognition as a trigger

from € 49,-

Photo box service

Here you will find offers for our XXL photo box (photo booth / photo mirror) with or without a flat rate printer as well as various combination offers with a DJ, solo entertainer, videographer or photographer.

DeeJayBakerman,Wedding DJ,Wedding Photographer