You are just one click away from turning your event into a highlight that your guests will be raving about for a long time! Trust in the intuition and professionalism of DeeJay Blakside to make your evening unforgettable. Leave nothing to chance - but to the expertise of a DJ who knows how to create the perfect atmosphere. 🔥 Send inquiry now and book DeeJay Blakside for your event! 🔥.

Event & Wedding Photography, Highlight Video, Top DJ Service &
XXL Photobooth:  FSB 🔴 Celebration Service Becker

Event & Wedding Photography, Highlight Video, Top DJ Service & XXL Photobooth - FSB 🔴 Celebration Service Becker

Event & Wedding Photography, Highlight Video, Top DJ Service & XXL Photobooth - FSB 🔴 Celebration Service Becker

Event & Wedding Photography, Highlight Video, Top DJ Service & XXL Photobooth:

FSB 🔴 Celebration Service Becker

Hello and ❤️


on the website of FSB 🔴 RED


DeeJay Blackside

DeeJay Blackside, Black Music & Commerce Specialist

Philipp aka DJ Blackside

DJ, Moderator

Herzlich willkommen auf unserer Homepage!

Ich bin Philipp, auch bekannt als DeeJay Blakside,

und ich bin stolz darauf, seit 2017 ein festes Mitglied des FSB 🔴 RED Teams zu sein. Meine Faszination für Musik, insbesondere Black Music, wurde durch die inspirierende Grundausbildung bei Matthias, Marco und Gregor geweckt und hat sich seitdem zu einer echten Leidenschaft entwickelt.

Dank meiner Ausbildung bei FSB 🔴 RED und der Möglichkeit, auf verschiedensten Veranstaltungen aufzulegen, konnte ich mein Talent als DJ stetig weiterentwickeln. Dabei habe ich gelernt, dass es nicht allein um die Musik geht, sondern auch darum, die Menschen zu verstehen und auf ihre Wünsche einzugehen. Obwohl ich eine tiefe Vorliebe für Black Music habe, bin ich offen für alle Musikrichtungen und passe die Playlist gerne nach Ihren individuellen Vorstellungen an.

Meine Hingabe zur Musik schlägt sich in den durchweg positiven Bewertungen nieder, die meine Kunden über Plattformen wie Check24 hinterlassen haben – ein Zeugnis meiner Professionalität und meines Engagements, jede Veranstaltung zu etwas Besonderem zu machen. Ich bin ein Spezialist für Abi-Feiern, Geburtstage und Hochzeiten und verspreche Ihnen, dass Ihre Feier mit mir unvergesslich wird.

Ein weiterer wichtiger Teil meines Lebens ist Gesundheit und Fitness. Ich lebe bewusst gesund, meide Alkohol ebenso wie Kaffee und finde mindestens dreimal wöchentlich Zeit für das Fitnessstudio. Diese Disziplin bringe ich auch in meine Arbeit als DJ ein, um stets fit und fokussiert für Ihre Events zu sein.

Wenn Sie also auf der Suche nach einem professionellen DJ sind, der mit Hingabe und Professionalität für die musikalische Umrahmung Ihrer Feier sorgt, dann freue ich mich darauf, von Ihnen zu hören. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam Ihre Wünsche besprechen und ein unvergessliches Erlebnis schaffen. 

Herzliche Grüße,
DeeJay Blakside

Dear music lovers and party planners, You are just one click away from turning your event into a highlight that your guests will rave about for a long time! Trust in the intuition and professionalism of DeeJay Blakside to make your evening unforgettable. Leave nothing to chance - but to the expertise of a DJ who knows how to create the perfect atmosphere. 🔥 Send an enquiry now and book DeeJay Blakside for your event! 🔥 Click on the “Contact” button and tell me about your event, your musical preferences and wishes. I will personally and promptly get back to you to discuss everything further. Let's work together to ensure that your celebration is filled with top music, first-class ambience and unmatched energy. I am ready to spin for you - are you ready for the party of your life? With musical regards, DeeJay Blakside 🎶 [Contact DeeJay Blakside today!] 🎶 Your celebration deserves the best soundtrack - let's set the tone together!.

Philipp Götz, DeeJay Blackside, Bad Hersfeld




Occupation: DJ, solo entertainer, promoter

Artist name:

DeeJay Blackside

Qualifications: Experienced

DJ for almost 10 years

Can be booked for: wedding, birthday, company party, sports festival, fair & queer beat (where a bit of everything has to be played)

Philipp, better known as DeeJay Blackside, is an experienced DJ, solo entertainer and promoter with almost 10 years of experience. It can be booked for various events such as weddings, birthdays, company celebrations, sports festivals, fairs and Queerbeat. No matter what the occasion, DeeJay Blackside always provides the right music and mood.


Welcome to the musical realm of DeeJay Blakside,

the brand that has become a byword for extraordinary musical experiences. At the helm is Philipp, better known as DeeJay Blakside, whose musical journey took an exciting turn in 2017. Captivated by the power and depth of Black Music, he found in Matthias, Marco, and Gregor not just inspiring mentors but also the spark that ignited his passion for DJing.

Becoming a member of the FSB 🔴 RED Team marked the beginning of a journey for DeeJay Blakside, one where he honed his musical skills and developed a profound connection with his audience. He learned that DJing is about more than just playing tracks—it's about turning music into a dialogue between him and the people.

The versatility DeeJay Blakside brings to his craft is unmatched. While rooted in Black Music, his repertoire spans the hottest beats to timeless tunes, always with an eye to tailor the playlist to the specific tastes of his audience. Be it graduations, birthdays, or weddings, he knows how to turn any occasion into a memorable celebration.

DeeJay Blakside understands that passion and professionalism must go hand in hand. He lives a disciplined lifestyle, eschewing alcohol and coffee, and maintains fitness with regular gym visits. This discipline is reflected in his DJ sets, which are always energetic and vibrant.

The glowing customer reviews on platforms like Check24 speak volumes. They are a testament to his dedication and commitment to making each event a standout with meticulous care and enthusiasm. So if you are looking for someone who pours their heart and soul into creating the perfect soundtrack for your event, DeeJay Blakside is your choice.

Welcome to DeeJay Blakside's musical stage,

where rhythmic diversity and stability come together when it comes to black music. Philipp aka DeeJay Blakside draws his inspiration from the countless facets of black music - from classic soul and profound R&B to pulsating hip-hop and rousing dancehall beats. These genres form the foundation of his musical identity, shaped by the sources of inspiration from great icons and burgeoning newcomers alike. However, DeeJay Blakside's artistic journey is not limited to a single genre; his openness to different musical genres ensures that each performance presents a rich mix of different styles and eras, guaranteed to get everyone on the dance floor. With his ear always on the pulse, DeeJay Blakside also integrates modern trends and current chart hits into his repertoire, keeping his sets lively and fresh and creating the perfect atmosphere for every event.

DeeJay Blakside, known as Philipp in civilian life,

has continued his musical journey in a way that is as admirable as it is dynamic. Since his debut in 2017, DeeJay Blakside has established himself as a creative and adaptable artist, whose development and success are closely linked to his deep appreciation for Black Music and its rich cultures. The initial influence of significant mentors like Matthias, Marco, and Gregor paved the way for a career distinguished by careful training and distinctive passion. As part of the FSB 🔴 RED team, DeeJay Blakside had the opportunity to refine his technical skills and find his individual style that makes him unique in the DJ scene. Over the years, he has developed a keen sense of how to capture the energy of the moment and communicate with audiences of all sizes. Whether at small private parties or large public events, DeeJay Blakside knows how to create an unforgettable atmosphere tailored to the individual preferences of his audience - a true testament to his empathy and musicality. His repertoire, which began with a deep love for Black Music, has constantly expanded to cover all genres and cater to the desires and needs of a diverse audience. This musical versatility makes him the ideal DJ for events such as graduation parties, birthdays, and weddings, where a wide range of music tastes can come together. But it is not only his ability to integrate different genres, but also his conscious lifestyle and his pursuit of excellence that have helped DeeJay Blakside become a sought-after name in the entertainment industry. The discipline he maintains in his personal life is also reflected in his professional ethos - ready to deliver vibrant and energetic performances for any occasion. His musical development has been confirmed by numerous positive customer reviews highlighting his professionalism and dedication to every event. DeeJay Blakside remains true to his core while continuously striving to improve and delight his audience with every performance.

When it comes to filling dance floors and creating unforgettable nights,

DeeJay Blakside, has embraced a creative approach that is as unique as his sets. His approach demonstrates true dedication and a touch of genius that solidifies his position in the world of DJ art. DeeJay Blakside's musical journey is characterized by his constant search for new inspirations. His process often begins with a deep exploration of various music cultures, with a strong root in Black Music. Philipp takes the time to understand the history and origins of the songs and genres he plays, in order to preserve the authenticity and spirit of the music. Before taking the stage, DeeJay Blakside spends countless hours searching through tracks to find those that his audience not only wants to hear, but also feel. He mixes well-known hits with hidden gems to create a sound landscape that is both familiar and fresh. His ability to adapt to the energy level of the room while anticipating trends is a hallmark of his work. DeeJay Blakside also heavily relies on interacting with his audience before and during the event. Through conversations with the organizer and guests, he gets a sense of the desired mood, which tracks evoke special memories, or which genres could excite the crowd. This feedback directly influences his performance, making ad-hoc changes to his sets to add his personal touch to each event. Furthermore, DeeJay Blakside also experiments with his own remixes and mashups to give his sets originality. He is always ready to explore new territories and experiment with his sound creations, making each performance a unique work of art. Through this level of personality and unexpected twists, he keeps his show dynamic and interesting. His careful preparation, from track selection to equipment adjustment, ensures that every technical element matches his musical vision. Fitness and health also play an important role, as his discipline guarantees that he can shine with full energy and focus at every event. Overall, DeeJay Blakside's creative approach is a constant interplay of preparation, audience understanding, and a sense of the moment, enabling him to create an atmosphere where music is not just heard, but experienced.

Philipp Götz, DeeJay Blackside, Bad Hersfeld

The musical career of DeeJay Blakside,

is characterized by significant milestones that document his rise in the DJ world. Starting in 2017, the year his professional journey began, he became a member of the renowned FSB 🔴 RED team. This time not only marks the beginning of his career, but also the point at which he was able to acquire the necessary tools for the demanding world of DJing. His deep-rooted passion for Black Music was ignited and solidified through collaboration and learning from his mentors Matthias, Marco, and Gregor. These encounters were catalytic for his artistic development and the refinement of his personal style. An outstanding aspect of his career is the wide range of events where he has showcased his skills. From graduation parties to birthdays to weddings - DeeJay Blakside has made a name for himself by providing individually tailored experiences that delight his audience. His flexibility and openness to various music styles have contributed to his continued success. While Black Music always forms the core of his music, his repertoire includes all genres to appeal to a wide audience. DeeJay Blakside has not only impressed through his performances, but also through the positive feedback reflected in customer reviews on platforms like Check24. They praise him for his professionalism, dedication, and his ability to add a special touch to every event. In addition to his DJ career, DeeJay Blakside has a strong affinity for health and fitness, which significantly supports his work ethic and performance. This mindful lifestyle helps him stay focused and energetic at every performance - a quality that is essential in the hectic world of live events. All these stages paint the picture of a DJ who impresses not only with musical versatility, but also with a tangible passion for his craft and an unerring sense for the audience. DeeJay Blakside has secured a solid place in the DJ scene and looks forward to a promising future.

DeeJay Blackside, Black Music & Commerce Specialist

Title: Why Music and Entertainment are the Heart of Every Celebration

There is an invisible conductor at every celebration, directing the mood and creating unforgettable moments – and that conductor is music. With the help of a skilled DJ or entertainer like DeeJay Blakside, a simple gathering can be turned into a lively celebration that guests will remember for a long time. In this blog post, we delve into the importance of music and entertainment for different types of celebrations. Weddings: The soundtrack for love and joy Weddings are emotional milestones, and music plays a crucial role in setting the tone for this important day. A professional DJ ensures that the romantic atmosphere during the ceremony and the exuberant joy on the dance floor are palpable with their selection of songs. From the first notes of the bridal march to the last dance, music is the invisible thread that underscores the love and unity of all those present. Birthdays: A personal soundtrack of life Birthdays are celebrations of personal milestones, and music is a time capsule that guides us through the soundtracks of our lives. A DJ who understands how to weave the birthday person's favorite songs into a playlist can add a personal touch that reflects the individuality and stories of the celebrant. Each song can be a memory, a goal achieved, or a future dream, turning the party into a journey through the melodies of life. Corporate events: Strengthening teamwork through shared rhythms Corporate events often serve to promote team spirit and bring colleagues closer together. A DJ or entertainer can loosen the mood with appropriate music, contributing to a more pleasant and connecting experience by playing a mix of motivating and entertaining tracks that take the professional setting into account while also encouraging easier networking and festivities. Sports festivals and public events: Uniting the crowd At sports festivals and large public events, the diversity of the audience is a challenge that a skilled DJ handles with finesse. The right music can create a sense of community and unity while fostering the energy and enthusiasm of the crowd. A diverse set that spans different genres and eras ensures that everyone in the audience finds something that appeals to them. Conclusion Whether it's a wedding, birthday, corporate event, or public event – music and entertainment are essential for setting the tone and creating an atmosphere where stories unfold and memories are made. They are the ingredients that elevate an event from just a gathering to a dynamic experience. DeeJay Blakside masterfully captures this spirit and ensures that every celebration goes down in history with his musical selection and unique talent. So, the next time you plan a celebration, remember how central the role of music and entertainment is. They are not just side acts, but the pulsating core that elevates your event from a simple gathering to a memorable occasion. Ready to make your celebration an unforgettable event with the power of music? Contact DeeJay Blakside to take the first step towards an event that will resonate in the hearts of your guests for a long time to come.

all of our customer reviews 2024-2018 can be found here

Here you will find all customer reviews of FSB 🔴 RED, both positive and critical. The reviews are completely uncensored and are provided along with the original link and other useful information such as recommendations for bridal couple photo shoots and wedding locations to help you with your wedding planning.


What our customers say about us

***** RWH wrote on April 12, 2024 on Check24
2024-04-12 08:52 Transform your event into a spectacle – Inquire about our DJ packages!
HJ - An unforgettable journey through time - Heiner's ultimate birthday party with FSB 🔴 RED
2024-04-06 14:52 Dance back to youth at Heiner's big birthday party with FSB 🔴 RED in Kassel! 🎶 Closed society! #HeinersBirthday
"Easter Saturday Special: Big City Clubbing Osterbeat with DeeJay Blackside in the Mainhattan Lounge Eschborn"
2024-03-30 14:06 Celebrate Easter Saturday with DeeJay Blackside in the Mainhattan Lounge! Experience the unique clubbing flair and dance until the morning. Get your tickets now!

The combination of DJ and photography services...

for events offers a variety of benefits that can make your event a seamless and memorable experience:


1. **Consistent Mood**:

A single service provider or a perfectly coordinated team knows the planned sequence of your event and can seamlessly coordinate music and photography. The atmosphere remains consistent and harmonious.


2. **Flexibility**:

The most beautiful moments often arise spontaneously - be it on the dance floor or during the celebratory speech. A team of DJ and photographer can react flexibly to such spontaneous events and capture them.


3. **Efficiency**:

Communication and planning is simplified by having to work with fewer service providers. This not only ensures less organizational effort, but also minimizes possible misunderstandings.


4. **Cost Savings**:

Booking a combined package can often offer better value for money. This not only saves you money, but also time when searching and coordinating different providers.


5. **Uniform Experience**:

The simultaneous responsibility for music and images creates a unified experience in both audio and visual terms. This creates consistent quality and a harmonious memory of your event.


6. **Professional Look**:

An experienced DJ photographer knows how to both acoustically accompany the key moments and capture them visually. The combination of the know-how of both areas leads to a professional overall product.


7. **Don't miss the little details**:

While the DJ entertains the crowd while keeping an eye on the flow of the event, the photographer can focus on the small, special moments that would otherwise be easily overlooked.


8. **Complete Package**:

Through the service, which combines music and photography, customers receive an “all-round, worry-free package”. This means less stress when planning and more time to concentrate on your guests and your own enjoyment of the celebration.


In short, the combination of DJ and photography service offers a successful symbiosis to create the optimal flow and the best memories for your event.

Our FSB services


📌 Music: DJ & solo entertainer

for weddings, company parties, birthdays, sports festivals, fairs


📌 Photo: Event & Wedding Photographer

for civil & church weddings, company celebrations, birthdays


📌 XXL photo box:

Photo mirror / photo booth / photo booth

for youth consecration, confirmation, wedding, company celebration, birthday


📌 Film: Event & Wedding Videographer)

for youth consecration, confirmation, wedding, company celebration, birthday


📌 Show (fire show, drag comedy show, stilt walker etc.)


📌 Aerial photography with drone (photo & video)

for civil & church weddings, company celebrations, birthdays


📌 Professional sound systems

for band, concert, rally, Christmas party, talk show, press conference etc.


📌 Sound & video studio work

for civil and church weddings




Light & sound system for weddings

from € 499,-

Music offers


Eight different solo entertainer/DJ offers with light and sound systems as well as a DJ suitcase job offer (without light and sound system) that can be plugged into existing technology can be found here. We have also listed various combination offers with a photo box.

Wedding photographer Gregor

from €99 per hour

Photo service

Photo & video offers as well as offers for printouts, photo book creation etc.

You can find everything about photo & video here.

Wedding video in Matzenhofen

from € 0,-

Video service

Video offers as well as offers for highlight video or documentary film creation, etc.

You can find everything about photo & video here.

XXL photo box photo mirror from FSB.RED with AI facial recognition as a trigger

from € 49,-

Photo box service

Here you will find offers for our XXL photo box (photo booth / photo mirror) with or without a flat rate printer as well as various combination offers with a DJ, solo entertainer, videographer or photographer.